Monday, 7 February 2011

The vinyl countdown

The wait is almost over

I'm nothing if not slow to get things done. You may remember that on Monday 15th November I put a screw into a pipe and made a bit of a mess. (Read about it here). Well last weekend after almost three months of waiting, procrastinating and generally twiddling our thumbs we have finally got our act together, got down to our local flooring shop and ordered some vinyl.

A lot has happened between the need of vinyl arose and the ordering of said floor covering.  Christmas has been and gone, we've had the worst snowfall in 20 years, Australia has flooded, the government of Tunisia has been overthrown and the DFS sale has finally ended.  So what on earth has taken us so long?

Well nothing really, just life.  We've been busy, or lazy, or strapped for cash, or unsatisfied with the available options, there has always been some distraction, some excuse.

When we are far from God and need to re-affirm our relationship with him we procrastinate too, don't we?  We know that the horrible discontent feeling we get when we separate ourselves from communion with God is easily fixed.  A short trip from our feet to our knees, a confession of the foolishness of trying to hide from God and the experience of the warm embrace of a Father who loves us is all that is needed to take away the pain. Simple.

So now the time is almost upon us, we are on the home stretch, the last furlong, the vinyl countdown. Our new vinyl is going to make our little toilet all tickety-boo again, we're looking forward to it coming.Getting it was so simple we're wondering why on earth we didn't do it sooner.  The loo will be revived, renewed, revitalised and in such a simple way.  You too can be revived, redeemed, reborn if only you'd stop putting it off, get down on your knees and let your Father restore you.

As God’s co-workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain. For he says,
   “In the time of my favor I heard you,
   and in the day of salvation I helped you.”
   I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.
2 Corinthians 6:1-2


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