Friday, 25 February 2011

Totally awesome

Sometimes little kids can be the greatest teachers.

This week Anchor Boys was a lot of fun.  As usual there was a mix of stories, games, singing and healthy treats.With all the buzz it was getting pretty warm and so one of my wee buddies came to me and asked:

'I'm getting pretty hot, can I take my jumper off?'

'Of course' I replied.

'Thanks. Do you want to see my t-shirt? It's totally awesome.'

He wasn't lying, his t-shirt had a monster truck on it covering the entire front, that is totally awesome in my book.

It's so refreshing to see someone with such innocent excitement, someone who can look at something as simple as a t-shirt and see the awesomeness of it all.  We should all search for the awesome in everything (here's a website that will help) we should practice awesome seeking, it should be like orienteering only much much more... well, awesome.

We will find the awesome when we look for it because all things have been made by God who is the author of all things awesome.  The way he has designed this world and designed the creatures of the world can only lead us to praise and worship the God of heaven.  Look at your children, the food on your table, the flowers, your thumb, foreign languages, cornflakes, cars, aeroplanes... look at everything, see the awesome and praise the Lord!

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14


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