Friday, 11 February 2011

Pack up your troubles

Rocky's going on holiday.

He's off to our friend Roger's house tonight and will be staying the whole weekend.  Me and the wife and twenty-odd of our closest friends are off on a youth weekend (sadly neither of us are counted among the youth anymore, instead we have to be 'leaders').

The problem with Rocky is that he's rubbish at packing an overnight back so we've got to do it all for him.  I find it hard enough to sort myself out without having to run around after him as well, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Bed? check.  Water bowl? Check.  Food bowl? Check. Food? Check.  Blanket? (I know, I know) Check. and so it goes on.

This life is a journey that we need provisions for.  We need to be equipped to handle it.  The thing is that no matter how hard we try to equip ourselves we never quite manage it, do we?  In a way you could say that we are rubbish at packing our own bags.  We try to fill it up with self-help books, TV wisdom, money, sex, hobbies, fame, family and much much more.

Instead of carrying all this junk around with us we should let God, our loving parent pack the bag for us.  He will give us all that we need including a jumbo, family-sized, buy-one-get-one-free, only-one-you'll-ever-need sized barrel of His love. 

The problem is that we are not like our wee dog who is happy to let someone else do everything for him.  We are like stubborn wilful teenagers who refuse to accept help from the only person that can truly help us.

Come on, let's give in, get equipped and live life to the full.

The LORD is with me; he is my helper. I look in triumph on my enemies.
Psalm 118:7



1 comment:

  1. Excited!!! A bit nervous too...although the other roger will do all the bits I don't want to do! :)
