Thursday, 10 November 2011

5 reasons to go to church

There may well be lots of reasons to avoid the big building down the street with strange people going in and out.  You're a busy person, you've got a social life to maintain, a family to organise and a job to fit in on top of all that. 

So why is it worth your while to call in and hang around?  Here's just five of the millions of reasons to go to church.

1) They want you there
Everybody loves to feel wanted and at church that's what you'll be. You'll get a hug, a handshake, a cup of tea... whether you are brand-spanking-new-never-been-there-before or returning after a while away or they just haven't seen you since last time they will be thrilled to see you.

2) They've got good news to tell you
Seriously, the best news you've ever heard - that God loves you and even though you've only done things that deserve punishment He sent His Son to take our punishment so that we could go free, be in a relationship with Him and worship Him forever in Heaven! Now that's good news.

3) They love to be kind
Christians just love being kind and delight in being nice. When they're in good form there are no more pleasant people to be around than church-going, people-loving, Jesus folk.

4) You don't need to be fixed to go there
So your life's a mess, so what? Church is full of broken people but they are there because they know it's God who can fix them, it makes sense you know.

5) You can find your place
There is a place and a purpose for you in this life and it's found in Jesus.  At church the people there will help you find out what it is and give you a wee hand reaching your potential.

You got any other reasons for dropping into church?

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25


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