There's nothing quite like a thorough spring clean.
It's been a long winter with cold days and dark nights. You go out in the dark and you come home in the dark. Housework is not the priority and you go into 'ticking-over' mode.

Then spring arrives. The days lengthen, your mood brightens and you're up for some rigorous scubbing. You pull out wardrobes and fridges, dust the top of lampshades and rearrage the book shelves. Things need sorted and you sort them.
Time for a spring clean of the heart too. You've been tired and let things slide. You're still not talking to that friend because the first conversation will be too much hassle, you've indulged in something wrong but comfortable, you've been doing the same old things without any thought as to whether they are the right things for you or not.
Take some time with God, let him clear all the cobwebs and help you get back on the right track. Spring cleaning can feel like a real chore but imagine if it never got done!
Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10
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