This is the moment when a supporter ran onto the pitch dressed in a mankini. Classy.
The stewards at the match weren't the most athletic, they were struggling to get the man under-control and the players and supporters were getting a little frustrated. So the manager of Dorchester, who is also a player, decided to take matters into his own hands, tackled the plonker and then got sent off by the referee for violent conduct. Oops.
We do that. Sometimes we don't want to wait for God to sort things out. We really want things, good things, so why wait? The problem is that God has the plan and knows the best timescale. He will not be early and He will not be late.
Stewart Glendinning, preacher extraordinaire, spoke on this very topic last Sunday in RPC. His example was Sarah, wife of Abraham, who did not want to wait for God to provide a child and instead urged her husband to sleep with her servant in order to preserve the family line. A child was born, tension grew and eventually the family was split. Meanwhile God provided a child in His time but the incident had a cloud over broken relationships hanging over it for many years.
The lesson? Wait for God, He knows best - That's living by faith.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.
Isaiah 55:8
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