Is there still room for uncynical acts of goodwill in this day and age? Sometimes I wonder. Churches get so caught up at times in advertising and invitation that it must seem very contrived to 'people out there'.
So how do we know if we as a church genuinely care about people or if we are only interested in bums on seats? If someone tells you that they are a Christian do you celebrate with them or do you automatically wonder what church they go to and if you approve or not? When talking to someone who is not yet a Christian are you happy to promote a church local to them or do you make it out like yours is the only Church worth going to?
I know that all churches don't behave in the same ways and doctrines can be different too but unless those differences are causing a church to step outside the teaching of the Bible then we should be happy to see it grow and see people come to faith through it.
I bring this up because I am guilty of it, I loose sight on occasion that this is the Lord's church and it is his battle we are fighting. It must be very displeasing for Him to see His bride at war with itself, especially when it can be over such petty issues or jealousy of another's apparent success.
If you are not a Christian and you look on the church as a squabbling self-interested hypocrite-filled organisation then I apologise that we have caused you to feel that way. The truth is that the church is full of people who are very far from perfect and if it weren't for the grace of God we would be nowhere. The good news is that if you are imperfect God can save you by grace as well and you can come and join us on our struggle to be better, it helps when we do it together.
I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
Ephesians 4:1-6
----------------------------------------------------Everyone is special in their own way, we make each other strong. We're not the same; we're different in a good way. Together's where we belong.
thanks for the HSM post...delighted.
ReplyDeleteaccording to my ipod we are 10.2%through the bible.